Friday 5 May 2017

Kathmandu, Nepal Day 1

After a rather whirlwind couple of days travelling - we left Wednesday afternoon and arrived in Kathmandu, Nepal Thursday evening, we were absolutely knackered!  When we got here the heavens opened up and the evening was mainly rain/lightning - most unusual as the rainy season hasn't even started yet!
Our hotel is centrally located in the Thamel area and the room is large but very basic - my (K) first shower was hovering over a bucket with a shower head in hand trying not to flood the floor of the bathroom! As for the sockets well they are really dodgey and glad we had our gaffer tape to fix this (see Glenn!). We've had a busy 1st day - after visiting the Indonesian Embassy to look into our next Visas we got lost trying to walk back from the Embassy but managed to score a cheap, cold ice cream on the way. It's on a par with India for pollution, crazy traffic with looney tunes 4 & 2 wheel drivers zooming all over the place as well as suicidal stray dogs and even cows walking in the road.  We managed to find a nice restaurant (called Yak's) for dinner (hope it's a stomach friendly one!) and treated ourselves to a small bottle of Vodka & mixer for a chill out back in our room. Day one over and we're still alive.....

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