Wednesday 14 June 2017

Nepal Backpacker Blog Round Upl

Liked:   It was cheap to travel, it worked out less than £35 a day for the pair of us including everything like white water rafting, jungle safari, motorbike hire, and all admissions prices and hotels but not the air fare. The food was cheap but beer was relatively expensive but you can buy 7% Nepal Ice which at the high attitudes will get you loaded really quickly. Also the standard of hotel was quite high in the budget price range and we averaged £12 a night for some nice places with breakfast included. 

  Sunrise Over Pokhara
Disliked:  The state of the roads and the bus rides as well as the traffic, dust and pollution. The rubbish was horrific everywhere and will spoil the country unless it's brought under control although tourists are part of the problem by all using plastic water drinking bottles. The pollution in Kathmandu was terrible and driving standards are none existent - I am not sure how we survived some of our bus rides (although there are many deaths in the local paper every day as people go off the road down the gorge never to be seen again). We saw buses and lorries smashed up on their sides, on the side of the road and many accidents.

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